♥ If you have type 2 diabetes, understandingyour risk for heart disease is one of the mostimportant things you can do—for the sake ofyour health and the people you cherish most. |
♥ But the good news is, the sooner youunderstand your risk, the sooner you cantalk to your healthcare provider to learn moreabout the link between type 2 diabetes andheart disease. Learn about the connection.Recognize your risk. Talk to yourhealthcare provider. Spread the word.The sooner the better. |
♥ That is because people with diabetes aretwo to four times more likely to developcardiovascular disease than people withoutdiabetes.1 That means you may have a higherchance of having heart disease, stroke or evendying—precious time lost with those whomean the most. |
♥ Scheduling an appointment with yourhealthcare provider is an important first stepto addressing the link between type 2 diabetesand heart disease. |